Introduction to the Nutrient Teams Four Step Protocol
This section shows the basics of what’s in both Protocols.
By Steps, and then by Modules.
The Protocol proceeds through four large STEPS containing smaller Modules.
The sequence is important. Some might get away with starting everything at once, but I’ve seen too many do that and set themselves back for months, chasing their tails while trying to find what went wrong. Doing it right gets there faster.
Each of STEP ONE’s first six Modules must be completed before attempting STEP TWO. The seventh Module, Stomach Acid, will likely take longer to complete for those with issues in this area and commencing STEP TWO need not wait on it, even though Steps One and Two won’t be 100% successful until it’s fixed. So if you have issues in this area, life might remain difficult until you have sufficiently strong stomach acid. STEP TWO must have been successfully ongoing for a month before attempting STEP THREE. However, those with B Vitamin, thyroid, and some other hormonal issues might need to start parts of STEP THREE before commencing STEP TWO. BYPASS STEPS will be considered in the Protocol later for this.
STEP ONE, Preparing the Ground.

STEP TWO, Planting Seeds, Vitamin D3. The Sunshine Vitamin.
Dr John Cannell, Vitamin D Researcher
Vitamin D is one of the most essential nutrients in our body, and yet universally, it’s the most deficient. Every cell in the body uses it. Almost every cell converts The Parent Compound, Vitamin D3, to the Storage Compound, 25hydroxyD, and then to the Active Compound 1,25dihydroxyD. All of that bypasses the endocrine system. Yet the medical fraternity is almost oblivious to this. It makes decisions about Vitamin D, or not, based on its knowledge of Rickets, although Rickets is on the comeback, so they’re not even getting that right!
They know only of the Endocrine pathway where D3 is converted to the Active Compound via the liver and then the kidneys. That’s important for our bones and teeth, but not much else. It’s not the pathway that most of our D3 takes. There are no commercially available tests to measure the constituents in that pathway in the cells, so it’s like it doesn’t exist for MDs who use Weekly and even Monthly Bolus dosing. These doses mostly bypass the important route in our cells, so they are unsuitable for treating cancers, viral infections, and other chronic diseases.
Increasingly, MDs are refusing to do the most basic and extremely cheap critical test, your 25hydroxyD Storage (Vitamin D) test. Refusing to do the proper tests and not applying the results to the correct standards is like killing the messenger. It’s sweeping the pandemic of Vitamin D deficiency under the mat, and it might well be the biggest reason why we saw the COVID-19 virus pandemic run amuck. This Protocol aims to fix that!
This excellent video below explains why Big Pharma still won’t put its house in order and treats Vitamin D as the most crucial health-giving nutrient we know of.
STEP THREE, Almost Ready to Harvest.
To access the actual Protocol, you need to join either the Bronze and/or Silver Protocols.