The Nutrient Teams Concept
This protocol is based on the concept of teams of nutrients that work together.
Focussing on a single nutrient doesn’t work in the long term.
You must play the whole team and in their proper positions to win.
Playing only the Quarterback can’t win the game!
Every game is different, but only
Balanced Teams Win.

What if the player on the right was the ONLY one from that team playing today?
How is that different to taking ONLY Vitamin D3, only Vitamin B12 or just Iron?
The Nutrient Teams Concept
Imagine your body as a big sports league with lots of teams. Each nutrient is like a player, and they all have their special positions to play in different teams. Just like in sports, not every player gets along perfectly, and there can be some competition and jostling for the spotlight.
Now, think of Vitamin D as a superstar player who's in thousands of teams and helps coordinate everything. But even stars need balance. If Vitamin D and Vitamin A, or Zinc and Copper, don't play nicely together, things can get out of whack. Each nutrient needs the right amount of resources and support from others to do their best.
Sometimes, nutrients like iron and magnesium might compete for the same spot during digestion. It's important to manage their timing so they don't all rush in at once. And just like in sports, you don't want to throw all the new players into the game at the same time. It's better to introduce them gradually to avoid any chaos.
In the end, every player, not just the stars, needs attention and care. If you ignore the needs of some team members, you can't expect to win the game. It's all about teamwork and balance.
So, come and join our Protocol and Facebook Group, where we explore how these nutrient teams work together to keep us healthy and strong. It's a place to learn, share, and grow together on our wellness journey.